Slash and burn agriculture is the act of cutting down the vegetation in an expanse of land, setting aflame the remaining foliage, and using the resultant ashes as nutrients to the soil for the use of planting food crops. The swidden (the expanse of land that has undergone slash and burn) is used for a [...]

By | December 14th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|1 Comment

50 Lucrative Agro Processing Business ideas

Do you want to start a business in the agriculture/agro-allied value addition sector? If YES, here are 50 best lucrative agro processing business ideas to choose from. Do you know that Agricultural businesses are the most lucrative businesses in the World? Apart from the low-cost of start up and running the business, agricultural businesses turn [...]

By | October 20th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|3 Comments

Tips for Growing / Expanding Your Poultry Business

Poultry farming is profitable alright, but a lot of people still fail and incur lots of losses in this business all the same. Poultry farming has been in existence for ages and while some people have smiled to the bank and expanded their businesses, a lot of investors have blamed themselves for going into the [...]

By | August 29th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How to Make Decent Income Buying and Selling Goats in Nigeria

Goat Market in Nigeria is one of the biggest in the world and people are making huge profit buying and selling goats. With the hope that you are reading this write-up in a good state of health, we welcome you to goat business. Livestock marketing is one business that has made many millionaires, and many [...]

By | August 22nd, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Make Money Selling Rams During Muslim Festivals

The muslim eid-il kabir festival is two weeks and some days away and that presents an opportunity for a very lucrative business. Our findings reveal that you can actually multiply your income dealing in ram – buying from the North and selling in places like Lagos. It is a common practice for Muslims to kill ram [...]

By | August 16th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Using Organic Compost ; The Benefits Derived by Plants

Chemical fertilizers are expensive. Organic fertilizers are cost-free if you prepare the organic compost by yourself. Then aside from saving money by making your own organic fertilizer, your health also benefits for non-exposure to the adverse effect of chemicals. This is the big benefit to man for learning to make compost for their gardens. Benefits in the [...]

By | July 10th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Starting an Organic Fertilizer Production Company

The agriculture industry is indeed a very large industry and it is responsible for the employment of loads of skilled and unskilled labor through out the whole world. It is a fact that there are several money spinning business opportunities in the agric sector and any serious minded investor can leverage on them to make [...]

By | July 10th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How to Use Chillies as a Natural Pesticide

The chillipepper, or chilli, originated in South America and is now widespread throughout the tropics and subtropics. The insecticidal properties are highest in the ripe fruit especially in the skin and seed. Chillis act as a stomach poison, antifeedant and repellent to a number of pests. Note: Care should be taken when handling chillis because [...]

By | June 19th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How To Start Lucrative Pineapple Farming In Commercial Scale

Pineapple farming in Nigeria is another sure money maker. Thousands of fruit juices are made with pineapple and the makers of fruit juice are always on the look out for pineapple farm where they could buy their raw material. Go to mile 12 market or any market near you or even the fruit sellers near [...]

By | May 19th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|2 Comments

How to Make Sugar from Sugar Cane

The basic process Sugar cane must be crushed to extract the juice. The crushing process must break up the hard nodes of the cane and flatten the stems. The juice is collected, filtered and sometimes treated and then boiled to drive off the excess water. The dried cane residue (bagasse) is often used as fuel [...]

By | May 8th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments


Home edible plant grows are becoming increasingly popular among the health-conscious crowds. As more people become sickened by pesticides and other harmful substances on the foods that they eat, they turn to growing their own harvest. However, if you want to have a successful home grow, then you need to practice composting. Composting involves creating [...]

By | May 2nd, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How To Grow Edible Mushroom In Commercial Quantity

Mushroom farming is one of the farming that holds high prospect but has never gained ground in Nigeria so far. Whether you decide to grow your mushrooms in your garden (for private consumption) or in a big farm (for commercial use), it is important that you know some important steps to take when growing mushroom. Few that are into mushroom farming [...]

By | April 27th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How To Start Cassava Farming And The Cultivating Techniques

It is unfortunate to see how many people go to bed hungry every night, suffering from starvation and malnutrition, how we constantly complain of lack of good paying jobs, and no money to spend and take care of our immediate needs. So many sell themselves into slavery in the hands of Chinese and Lebanese merchants right [...]

By | April 11th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How you can make Money from Moringa Farming

Today we will be talking extensively on the plant called MORINGA and how you can also make money from it. First of all, I want you to know that there is money in Moringa seeds business only if you know how to do it… You can make good money from the sale of Moringa seedlings, [...]

By | March 17th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|6 Comments

How To Make Yam Flour

Yam flour is powdered starch widely used in food preparation. Typically white, the flour is commonly used in African dishes, such as amala. It may be used in many other recipes if desired as well. It is prepared by grinding dried yams until they reach a powdered consistency. Dehydrated flour from yams may also be [...]

By | March 14th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Get rich from sesame seed farming

Sesame seed, sesamum indicum is a flowering plant. This is seed has a wide variety of relative spread in Africa. Widely naturalized in tropical regions around the world and dating as old as man’s existence, it is the oldest known oil seed to man. Sesame seed was domesticated over 3000 years ago for consumption. It [...]

By | March 10th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How to produce corn syrup

Background Corn syrup is one of several natural sweeteners derived from corn starch. It is used in a wide variety of food products including cookies, crackers, catsups, cereals, flavored yogurts, ice cream, preserved meats, canned fruits and vegetables, soups, beers, and many others. It is also used to provide an acceptable taste to sealable envelopes, [...]

By | March 2nd, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Pepper farming; another gateway to success

Let’s look into pepper farming and the benefit of starting it as a business. In the process of researching business opportunities in Nigeria, I have discovered that no one has any good reason to be poor. If you are poor, it’s either because you want to or you’ve not been properly informed. There are many [...]

By | February 9th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Ewedu Farming; A Very Profitable And Lucrative Business.

Ewedu farming can actually put real money in your hands. There are so many opportunities surrounding us more than we ever think exists. White collar jobs seems to be the norm in our society today to the extent that even house wives that know what it cost both to purchase and prepare their family meals, [...]

By | February 8th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments

39 Business ideas in Agriculture for Young Entrepreneurs in 2017

What are the best agricultural business ideas for villages? What are the best agro-allied business opportunities for big towns and mega cities? What business can one start in the agriculture industry and succeed? This article will put these questions to rest. Do you know that Agricultural businesses are the most lucrative businesses in the world? [...]

By | February 7th, 2017|agric and agric entrepreneurship|0 Comments
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