The team at visited the NFG-CS (Nigeria Farmers Group and Cooperative Society) farmers settlement centre, Maraba Gaate, Nasarawa state, Nigeria.

We met with the National Coordinator of the group, Mr. Retson Tedheke, and his team. The name “Retson Tedheke” is synonymous with activism and associated with national struggles like #OCCUPYNASS and #OURMUMUDONDO. In this interview, we see the agricultural entrepreneurship side of Mr Retson.

He is fully into inuofebi’s dream of taking Nigerians back to the farm. He shares information on the potentials of agriculture in making Nigeria great again and he is  encouraging everybody to set their feet on the path of change by going into agricultural entrepreneurship. He shares with us in this interview what the NFG-CS is doing to contribute to Nigeria’s greatness through their farm-partnership programs. Watch the full interview below