Coconut Fufu whose main ingredient is Coconut Flour is a healthy swallow perfect for diabetic patients and every other person that wants to eat healthy.


Another combination you can use is:

Notes on the ingredients:

1. We have already established that Coconut Flour is a healthy, low carb, gluten-free, grain-free flour so it checks all the buttons in the healthy meal department.

2. Garri is healthy too, that is if you buy the classic Garri that passed through the full process of making authentic Garri.

Garri is made from Cassava tubers which is high in carbohydrates but the process of converting the cassava tubers into Garri makes Garri a healthy meal.

  • The cassava tuber is peeled and ground into a paste.
  • The paste is then sieved with a chiffon cloth to remove all or almost all the starch in the cassava. This starch is what you see being sold in Nigerian markets for making your clothes stiff or to make Starch that is served with Banga Soup.
  • The fibre or chaff resulting from this sieving of the ground cassava is then put in a bag, tied and put in a press to remove all the water from it. It stays in the press for at least 24 hours, up to two days and during this period, fermentation sets in.Fermentation reduces the dietary carbohydrate levels in cassava. And remember, most of the carbohydrate have been removed while sieving.
  • When dry, the ground cassava is then sieved again with raffia sieves with big holes so that only the big fibrous pieces of cassava do not pass through.
  • The result of this sifting is then dry roasted in wrought iron pans to get Garri. Ijebu Garri is an example of a well processed healthy Garri.

3. The reason why we must mix the coconut flour with another healthy flour that creates a more elastic dough (in this case Garri or Oat Flour) is because Coconut Flour does not contain gluten. Gluten is the substance that is present in flours that gives them the elastic texture when you mix the flour with liquid.

This absence of gluten means that when you try to use only coconut flour to make Coconut Fufu, it will not come together like when you make semolina fufu. So you won’t be able to use it to make balls of swallows.

4. By 2 “parts” of Coconut Flour, I mean: if you are using a milk cup, measure 2 milk cups of coconut flour and 1 milk cup of Garri, if you are using a tablespoon to measure, that will be 2 tablespoons of coconut flour and 1 table spoon of Garri and so on.

Directions for making the Coconut Fufu

  1. Mix the 2 parts of coconut flour with one part of Garri in bowl.
  2. Grind the combo with a dry mill (coffee grinder, spice grinder, blender dry mill etc) to turn the coarse grains of Garri into powder.
  3. Pour some water in a pot and set on the stove to boil. The quantity of water depends on the quantity of Coconur Flour you are making.
  4. When the water boils, pour a small quantity in a bowl and set aside. Reduce the heat to low.
  5. Then start pouring the coconut flour and Garri mix into the hot water and stir at the same time with a spatula. This is exactly the same way we make semolina fufu or poundo yam.
  6. Once you feel some resistance, stop adding the flour but keep mixing with the spatula till you get a soft and smooth dough.
  7. Add the hot water you set aside earlier, cover and leave to steam very well.
  8. Mix again and it’s done.

Serve with a healthy Okra Soup.